No Problems with Metal Detectors at Bobcat Stadium

Friday night ran like a normal game at Bobcat Stadium between Seneca and Daniel. The only difference was it took a little longer to get into the game because the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the School District of Oconee County (SDOC) decided to use metal detectors on fans entering through the home and visitor gates. Evie Hughes, Director of Student Services, Safety and Security for the SDOC, said everything went well. “Things went very smoothly. We were able to have enough people to do the metal detectors at the home as well as the visitor gates, so there was no back up. We felt like it went very smoothly and we didn’t have any problems.” A determination to use the metal detectors at future games has not been made, adds Hughes. “I haven’t had time to really debrief with the Sheriff’s Office to talk about if we are going to do it again or not.” Hughes stresses that the metal detectors were a proactive decision and not based on any threats made between the rival schools. “There were no threats, it was just a safety precaution because of the number of people that would be coming to that game.” Metal detectors have become an additional measure of security implemented at other sporting venues and public events across the state and country.