NRC names New Resident Inspector at Oconee Nuclear Plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has selected Adam Ruh as one of the resident inspectors at the Oconee nuclear power plant near Seneca. The three-unit plant is operated by Duke Energy. In 2012, Ruh joined the NRC as a project engineer in the Region II office in Atlanta. Since 2014, he has been one of the NRC resident inspectors at the Browns Ferry nuclear plant in Alabama. Before joining the agency, Ruh served as a U.S. Navy civilian engineer for seven years. At Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Ruh provided engineering support for overhauling and deactivating Los Angeles-class and Ohio-class submarines. He also provided government oversight of the engineering work performed by the shipbuilding contractor (Newport News Shipbuilding), including overhaul of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers as well as construction, qualification, testing, and certification of Virginia-class submarines and Ford-class aircraft carriers. Ruh graduated with highest honors and received a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech. He graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from Georgia Southwestern State University and also holds a Master of Engineering degree from Old Dominion University. At least two NRC resident inspectors are assigned to each operating U.S. commercial nuclear plant. They serve as the agency’s eyes and ears at the facility, conducting inspections, monitoring major work projects and interacting with plant workers and the public. Resident inspectors can serve at a reactor site for up to seven years. Ruh joins Senior Resident Inspector Eddy Crowe and Resident Inspector Jason Parent at the Oconee site.