OC Choral Concert planned

The School District of Oconee County will present its annual All-County Choral Concert on October 8 at 7:30pm at Seneca Baptist Church. Over 160 middle and high school students selected by their teachers from schools in Oconee County will present a program of choral music under the leadership of Dr. Mark Nabholz, Director of Choral Activities at Erskine College.  Lori Shelton will serve as the accompanist for the clinic and evening concert. Middle school students will perform the following selections:  “Domine, ad Adjuvandum” by Pergolesi, “Salvation is Created” by Tschesnokoff, “Song for the Unsung Hero” by Martin and “Joy to the World” by Axton. Middle school choral directors are Carla Brock, Sherry Collins, Christopher Hulsey and Cory Chitwood. Selections by high school students will be “Alleluia” by Pergolesi, “Courage Lives!” By Patterson, “This is the Day” by Smith and “John the Revelator” arranged by Caldwell and Ivory. High school choral directors include Sherry Collins, John Fallon and Diane McFarlane. Ernestine Williams, Assistant Superintendent of Education, will be the Mistress of Ceremonies.  The public is invited to attend and support the school district’s fine arts programs.  Admission is free.