OC EMS offering Specialized Smoke Detectors

Most deadly fires happen at night while we are sleeping. A home smoke alarm is designed to wake us up during a fire. However, for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, a regular household smoke alarm may not be sufficient. To assist these individuals, free specialized smoke alarms are being offered through a partnership with Oconee County Emergency Services and the SC State Fire Marshals Office. “An appropriately placed smoke detector can give residents the time needed to escape a home fire,” Asst. Chief Shane Gibbs said. “However, with the deaf and hard of hearing, additional assistance may be needed. We are pleased to be able to provide smoke detectors to those in need.” This program is also open to individuals who use cochlear implants. This specialized smoke detector is actually a “bed shaker pad” that plugs into a wall outlet and slips between the mattress and box springs. After the smoke detector is activated, the pad receives a wireless signal to vibrate and serves as a tool to wake up the sleeping resident. After the initial installation, personnel will also assist each resident in performing a home safety inspection. During this basic residence walk-through, potential safety hazards and escape plans will be discussed. Interested participants can request a smoke alarm through Oconee County Emergency Services at (864) 638-4220.