OC Industrial Park gets New Name and Certification

Oconee County continues to position itself to compete globally for new capital investment and job creation in the new economy by being proactive on the industrial recruitment front. The most recent example is moving forward with renaming an industrial park and having this same park become a “South Carolina Certified Industrial Park” by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. Both actions will improve the marketability of this county-owned industrial real estate to prospective companies and corporate decision-makers, said Oconee County Economic Development Commission executive director Richard Blackwell.  The industrial park located off South Carolina highway 11 was formerly known as the ‘Echo Hills Industrial Park’ but has now been relabeled the ‘Oconee Industry and Technology Park’. “In the world of technology and internet searches, this rebrand was necessary to market it more accurately to a global audience and to call it what we want it to become a home for industry and technology-related firms in Oconee County,” added Blackwell.  The South Carolina Department of Commerce and the McCallum Sweeney Industrial Site Certification Program have awarded the Oconee Industry and Technology Park status as a “certified industrial park.”