OC Memorial Day Ceremony set for May 28th

The 2018 Oconee County Memorial Day Ceremony has been scheduled for Monday, May 28, at noon. Jerry Dyar, public information officer for the Oconee County Veterans Council announces the event will again take place in the Walhalla Center for Performing Arts located behind Walhalla City Hall. Dyar added, “This years’ event will, as always, center on paying tribute to 210 Oconee County service members who made “the ultimate sacrifice” dating back to World War I up to the current date. Family members and friends of the deceased will be recognized during next Monday’s ceremony.” Bill Butts and members of the Oconee County Veterans Council contributing organizations will lay the traditional wreath at the base of a replica of the War Memorial that sits in front of the Oconee County Courthouse on Walhalla’s Main Street. Janice Matheson Holbrooks, longtime associate with the Oconee County Veterans Affairs Office who is retiring at the end of May will offer memories and insights she has gained over the years as she had gotten to know family members from a large number of the 210 men who have lost their lives in defense of freedom around the world. Ms. Matheson-Holbrooks was recently quoted as saying, “If I could bundle up all the wonderful memories and stories I have heard about the names on our War Memorial I’m sure I could not find enough string to tie around them.” The Walhalla American Legion Honor Guard will conduct a rifle salute and taps after a moment of silence in remembrance of the names on the War Memorial. The ladies of the Walhalla DAR chapter will offer refreshments immediately following the ceremony. Mr. Tom Von Kaenel, President of the Keowee Chapter of the Military Officer’s Association will serve as Master of Ceremonies for this year’s event. The auditorium will open at 11am. Dyar said it is the hope of all Oconee County Veterans Council member organizations that the auditorium will be filled to capacity, as it should be.