OC Parks taking ATAX Grant Applications

The Oconee County Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) Commission announce that Accommodations Tax (ATAX) grant applications will be accepted until Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2018, by 3pm. ATAX Application guides may be requested through the PRT office at 864-888-1488 and will be available online at www.oconeesc.com. All applications must be received by the PRT office at South Cove County Park by 3pm Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2018. All Grant Applications will be reviewed by the PRT Commission on Aug. 23, 2018, voted on at the Aug. 30, 2018, PRT meeting and presented to the Oconee County Council on Sept. 18, 2018. All meetings will be held at the Oconee Heritage Center beginning at noon. All grant applicants are invited to any of the PRT Commission meetings to answer any questions regarding their grant requests. Eligible projects for ATAX grant consideration is (1) Tourism advertising and promotion (2) Promotion of Arts and Cultural events for the attraction of tourist (3) Facilities for Civic and Cultural events and (4) Visitor Centers. Grants will be prioritized and awarded based on the tourism impact of the request. All questions related to ATAX grants should be directed to the Oconee County PRT office.