OC promoting Water Safety this Summer

Summer is here and that means more and more people will be enjoying the beautiful outdoors in the Golden Corner of South Carolina.   Visitors and locals alike are being encouraged to make safety a top priority when enjoying the rivers and lakes in Oconee County.  “Makes sure safety is a part of your plan.  Most people will plan where they are going, if they are going to swim, ski, or have a cookout but not many people talk about safety.  Therefore, we want to encourage you to make sure safety is a part of your plan.  No one is beyond the use of a life jacket; make sure that that is absolutely an imperative for you to have those life jackets with you.  Make sure you have all your safety equipment in your boat in case something happens.  We work very closely with DNR and the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Marine Units.  It is unfortunate to see the decisions that some people make out on the water and we really want to stress life jackets, safety and make sure you have a plan.” Oconee County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Phil Shirley tells more about a new safety program around the lakes of the county.  “We have a program at South Cove, High Falls and Chau Ram where we partnered with the Keese Foundation, Safe Kids Upstate, DNR, Duke Energy and FOLKS last year to start what we call “Life Jacket Loaner Boards”.  It started with the Keese Foundation; they had a family tragedy where they lost a couple of family members because they did not have their life jackets on for that reason.  They have started a Foundation, we now have five of those Life Jacket Loaner Boards within our park system, where the life jackets are there, and all you do is pick one up and put it on, and then enjoy your water activities.  We just ask that you put it back when you leave.  That has been very successful for us.” Make sure that you talk about safety with everyone in your party.  Encourage them to wear a life jacket when on and around the water.  Never swim alone and always tell someone who is not going with you where you are going and when you expect to return.  Remember life jackets, safety and a plan when enjoying the beautiful rivers and lakes in Oconee County.