OC Rain Totals

It is has been a very unusual summer, weather wise, in Oconee County this year.  Constant rain has saturated the Upstate area and official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson of Walhalla has stayed busy recording record-breaking data.  “The total from January through June was 43 inches and was starting to become a record, then in July we had 15.13 inches of rain, so that boosted our total for the year over 58 inches.  Then in August we have had to date 7.18 inches of rain.” Oconee County may have also experienced a record low high temperature in August, adds Wilson. “Reported on the morning of August 18 that meant on August 17 the high was only 69 degrees, which I have not looked back in my records, everyone is concerned, I want to look back and see if that is the lowest maximum that we have had for an August.  So, it has been an unusual year.” Wilson knows more rain has fallen in certain areas of Oconee County this summer because thunderstorms and heavy rains have been spotty at times.