OC Sheriff’s Office releases June and July Litter Control Numbers

In an effort to increase awareness of the litter issue in Oconee County, the Sheriff’s Office releases its June and July 2018 Litter Control Numbers. During the two months combined, approximately 2,720 pounds of litter was picked up in the county by inmates of the Oconee County Detention Center. Roughly 134 bags of trash were collected. Combined for the two months, the Environmental Services Unit answered 56 calls for service and received 8 T.E.L.L. Kobie reports and performed 2 T.E.L.L. Kobie pickups. 22 cases were also investigated during the two months combined with 7 citations and 4 warnings being issued. For the first seven months of 2018, approximately 13,120 pounds of litter and approximately 533 bags of trash have been collected in Oconee County.