OCC Declares State of Emergency; Council Approves Five Forks Repairs & Help for Westminster

In what was a first in county history, the Oconee County Council on Tuesday held a regular public meeting from which the public was excluded. County officials explained that the unusual step was in accord with interpretations of state law regarding open meetings and a measure believed prudent in light of the current pandemic of the COVID-19 virus that has prompted both national and statewide declarations of emergency. Gatherings of more than 10 people are ill-advised, according to emergency protocols. The Council’s first action Tuesday was to strip many of the items from the announced agenda, postponing a first reading on changes to the county’s sign and litter ordinances and a discussion of possible restrictions related to multi-family housing units. The County Council then declared a State of Emergency.

Also at the meeting, Oconee County’s assisted living facility near Five Forks will get some much needed emergency repairs. The County Council on Tuesday approved up to $200,000 for some rewiring and installation of new breaker boxes. The county will help Westminster solve major problems with its water system, and the first step will be funding an engineering study that will allow the city to apply for state and federal grants. The County Council on Tuesday approved $50,000 to fund the study needed for the grant applications.