OCFS to celebrate Oconee County’s 150th Birthday

On Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018, starting at 8:30am in the common’s room at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, located at 626 Quincy Road, Oconee County First Steps (OCFS) will kick off the county’s sesquicentennial celebration by introducing Palmetto Basics and its website: www.PalmettoBasics.org. Monica Alles White, OCFS Executive Director says, “Palmetto Basics is an initiative that promotes five simple, yet powerful ways to help all children become the happiest and most successful they can be. It is based in scientific studies that 80% of brain development happens during the first three years of life.” After viewing a short video showcasing Palmetto Basics, partners of OCFS will hear from Rev. Tony Qualkinbush, a local supporter of Palmetto Basics, about the importance of our families, caregivers, and faith community implementing it in their everyday interactions with young children. OCFS contribution to Oconee County’s sesquicentennial celebration will conclude with each partner receiving a “goodie” bag for distribution to their contacts, featuring copies of the multi-colored tri-fold outlining the five basics’ messages and the website that provides more information with videos and resources for all Oconee County residents to use and enjoy.