Oconee County Council Gives Approval For Required Preliminary Engineering For Sewer South Project

(Seneca, SC)——–At Tuesday night’s Oconee County Council meeting, Council gave their unanimous approval for required preliminary engineering for the Sewer South Expansion in the amount not to exceed $183,900.

Oconee County Council Chairman Julian Davis said that Council voted to accept and match the grant that the state has put forth regarding Sewer South and even though it appears that things are moving at a “snail’s pace,” the project is moving forward “as quickly as we can.”

Davis says that the engineering for the project has to be done before the project is put out to bid.

Also during Tuesday night’s meeting, Council members had a discussion regarding signs including billboards in Oconee County.  During the discussion, Third District Councilman Paul Cain said that he would like to see a moratorium placed on new billboards in the county.

Council did make a motion that was approved by a 4-1 vote that directed County Attorney David Root to look at the legality of a billboard moratorium for new billboards in Oconee County.  The only dissenting vote was placed by District Five Councilman Glenn Hart.