Oconee County Council Holds Regular Council Meeting Tonight In Council Chambers

(Seneca, SC)—————————-Oconee County Council will be holding their regular council meeting tonight in Council Chambers on Pine Street in Walhalla at 6pm. According to information released by the County, among the items on the agenda will be a public hearing on an ordinance regarding the execution and delivery of a fee in lieu of tax agreement between Oconee County and Horton, Inc. There will be also be the first and final reading of three resolutions, which include an upgrade to the Oconee County Public Safety Analog Voter Radio System and roadway improvements to the Seneca Rail Site and the awarding of a contract for the improvements. The improvements involve the milling and resurfacing of the existing driveway and parking lot and construction of a new roadway with work also to include the crossing of an inactive rail spur with the proposed roadway. 

Council is also scheduled to go into executive session to discuss two economic development items along with other items in executive session. 

Before tonight’s meeting, the Budget, Finance and Administration Committee will also meet beginning at 4:30pm in Council Chambers. Among the items on the agenda will be discussion of the Tri-County Technical College budget and the overall County budget for the upcoming fiscal year.