Oconee County Council Passes School District Of Oconee County Budget For Fiscal Year 2020

(Seneca, SC)——————Oconee County Council held its regular Tuesday night meeting last night in Council Chambers and during the meeting, Council passed unanimously on its third reading the Fiscal Year 2020 budget for the School District of Oconee County.
After the meeting, Oconee County Council Chairman Julian Davis commented on the budget process this season not only from the School District budget perspective but also the recently passed Oconee County budget.
Davis said that it was a great budget season. Davis said he visited the School District twice during their budget meetings and he felt that there was great communication between the School District and the County during the process.
Davis complemented Oconee County Administrator Amanda Brock about her work during the budget process as well as District One Councilman John Elliott and the entire council working with Brock during their budget discussions and the openness of the process.
County Council also went into executive session and upon returning to open session, Council voted unanimously for negotiations to proceed as discussed in regards to an economic development matter called Project Trout. Council also voted unanimously for negotiations to proceed as discussed regarding the potential purchase of real property for the possible relocation of the Westminster Magistrate’s Office as well as an unanimous vote allowing negotiations to proceed regarding the purchase of real property as discussed.