Oconee County Council To Hold Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting Tonight

(Seneca, SC)—————Oconee County Council will hold their regular Council meeting tonight in Council Chambers in Walhalla on Pine Street at 6pm. Among the items on the agenda will be a public hearing and second reading of the budget for the School District of Oconee County as well as the first and final reading of a resolution authorizing the amendment of an agreement to develop a joint-county industrial and business park by and between Oconee County and Pickens County. 

Council will also take up an action item regarding a camera system upgrade for the Oconee County Courthouse. 

Council will also go into executive session and once council returns from executive session, there may be discussion and action taken on a proposed contract of employment for the Oconee County Attorney. 

Before the Council meeting, the Oconee County Real Estate, Facilities and Land Management Committee will meet at 4:30pm. Also meeting at 4:30pm will be the Planning and Economic Development Committee. Among the items on their agenda will be an update on the Highway 123 Corridor Plan, a Comprehensive Plan update and an Economic Development Update.