Oconee County Council Unanimously Approves For County Administrator To Continue Work On Two Economic Development Projects

(Seneca, SC)—-During executive session last night, Oconee County Council voted unanimously to allow County Administrator Amanda Brock to negotiate and execute a memorandum of understanding as discussed in regards to an economic development matter called Project Trout.

In another economic development matter discussed during executive session, County Council also voted unanimously to allow County Administrator Brock to negotiate and execute the term sheet as discussed in regards to an economic development matter called Project Aztec.

Oconee County Council Chairman Julian Davis says that there is some fantastic investment coming to Oconee County

“Council is doing a great job at really trying to figure out and sell what Oconee County is all about,” says Chairman Davis. “Workforce is continuing to drive these industries here as well as the land that we have available for them to come to.”