Oconee County Planning Director Provides Update On County Comprehensive Plan

(Seneca, SC)——————Before Oconee County Council held their regular meeting this past Tuesday night, the Planning and Economic Development Committee held a meeting in Council Chambers. 

During the meeting, Oconee County Planning Director Adam Chapman updated the Committee on the status of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.

Chapman told the Committee that there has been “incredible community turnout” for the meetings that have been held throughout the county and there have been hundreds of surveys returned as well.

Chapman told the committee that they will be able to see an executive summary that will consist of about 20 pages and Chapman says that the report should be ready and delivered to Council sometime in December.

Chapman says that more public input is needed and that there are many reoccurring themes so far, such as crime, traffic and jobs.  Chapman said that there have been little themes brought up as well, such as internet service or lack of internet service in rural communities, for example.

Chapman said that four more outreach meetings are being scheduled for Westminster, Salem, Mountain Rest and the Fair Play/Oakway area.