Oconee County Taxpayers To See Increase When tax Notices are mailed out starting next month

(Seneca, SC)——–Oconee County taxpayers will see an increase in their tax notices when they are mailed out beginning in October.

Oconee County Auditor Christy Hubbard presented before Oconee County Council last night the millage proposal for Tax Year 2019 that shows a 5.9 mill increase in real and personal property.

For a home with a value of $100,000. the increase in taxes between the 2018 tax year and the 2019 tax year will be $35.40 on non-residential property, an $18.80 increase on residential property with no homestead exemption and a $9.40 increase on residential property with a homestead extension.

On a vehicle valued at $25,000, the increase will be $8.85 between the 2018 tax year and the 2019 tax year. On a vehicle valued at $50,000, the increase will be $17.70 between 2018 and 2019.

Hubbard said that the actual value of a mill is up a little bit this year.

Oconee County Council Chairman Julian Davis said after last night’s meeting that he thought Council and the Finance Department did a good job in regards to what the thinking that the millage was going to be.

Due to the Duke Power and real estate assessments being down, the figures maybe were off a bit, according to Davis, however, the County and the School District were within the parameters of what the entities thought their budgets would be, according to Davis.