Oconee County To Declare State of Emergency, Disaster

The Oconee County Counil will hold an emergency meeting at 10:00 am this morning in Council Chambers to hear the first and only reading of a state of emergency and disaster declaration and ordinance in relation to the catastrophic EF3 Tornado that cut a path of destruction through Seneca and Oconee County. Due to the current Novel Coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing state of emergency, the general public will not be permitted to attend this meeting in person. To ensure the meeting remains open to the public, however, the public may observe the meeting live on the County’s YouTube channel, which can be found via the County’s website at Oconeesc.com. Further, the public may call in and listen by dialing 888-475-4499 OR 877-853-5257 and entering meeting ID # 985 3020 9561. And, individuals parked in close proximity to Council Chambers, located at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla, may listen to the meeting on FM 92.3.