Oconee Democratic Party Vice Chair Resigns After Controversial Comments

Mary Anne Grabarczyk, former First Vice Chair of the Oconee County Democratic Party, resigned after making a controversial comment on social media about an assassination attempt on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Grabarczyk posted, “I’m pissed he missed,” which has since been deleted.

The Oconee County Democratic Party, led by Chair Rod Stipe, distanced itself from her remark and removed her from their website. In a statement, they clarified that Grabarczyk’s views do not reflect those of the party. State Committee Chairwoman Jody Gaulin described the situation as “unfortunate.”

Oconee County Council Chairman Matthew Durham criticized the local Democratic Party for not taking earlier action, referencing another inappropriate comment Grabarczyk made about him three years ago.

During a July 13 rally in Pennsylvania, Former President Trump survived an assassination attempt, resulting in one death and several injuries. The assailant, a registered Republican who donated money to a Democratic political action fund, was killed by Secret Service personnel, and authorities are still investigating his motives.