Oconee History Museum Wraps Up A Busy March With “Kitchen Medicine” Event This Saturday

(Seneca, SC)—————–The Oconee History Museum will wrap up a busy March with an event this Saturday, March 23rd called “Kitchen Medicine.”  

Leslie Hagerty, who is the Director/Curator for the Oconee History Museum, says that Tina McAlister will demonstrate how to use food in a more healthy way to promote good health. A release from the Oconee History Museum states that this class will teach those who attend how foods have nutrients that contribute to our health.“Kitchen Medicine” is a fee based program so tickets are being sold for the event at $20 for members and $25 for non-members. 

You can order tickets for this event by going online to the website of the Oconee History Museum at www.oconeehistorymuseum.org.