Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority Board Of Commissioners Met Monday Night In Busy Meeting

(Seneca, SC)——————————The Board of Commissioners for the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority met for their meeting last night and an item that was scheduled to be discussed in executive session was voted upon to be moved into open session and that related to the “Sewer South” project.  

Joint Regional Sewer Authority Executive Director Chris Eleazer said there was not really any action that took place in regards to the discussion expect for Larry Brandt, attorney for the Joint Regional Sewer Authority, was asked to meet with Oconee County Attorney David Root in regards to some items that were brought up are far as some language of the agreement and Eleazer says that he will be meeting with County representatives as well. Eleazer believes the discussion was beneficial and cleared up some questions between the Joint Regional Sewer Authority Board and some of the items that the County had in regards to the latest revision of the draft agreement. 

In other items on the agenda, the Board authorized Eleazer to be able to sign an agreement with a bond attorney to issue revenue bonds in case the Authority went out to seek financial assistance for projects instead of using cash to fund those capital projects in the future and also to pass a resolution to express the intent that the Authority be reimbursed for some of the cost incurred on existing projects through the issuance of bonds. Due to this authorization, it also caused an item to be removed from the agenda in regards to the refund from the Sewer Authority to the Member Cities of Seneca, Walhalla and Westminster. This was due based on one of the items discussed in regards to the agreement the Sewer Authority will be entering into with the bond counsel attorney. Right now, with the way the system is set up in regards to being a joint water and sewer authority, The Member Cities of Seneca, Walhalla and Westminster and their respective City Councils have to approve any issuance of debt that the Sewer Authority has and the Councils have to approve the Authority’s ability to finance projects in this way and borrow money. Therefore, according to Eleazer, the Board decided to remove that item from the agenda pending the outcome of the Member Cities Councils voting on that to proceed. 

The Board voted also to consolidate seven bank accounts into four bank accounts. The Board also approved a public notice that will be advertising to change the way that fees are structured in regards to solids disposal to third parties to go from a flat fee to a disposal costs + 10% approach due to frequent escalations of costs from the landfill, according to Eleazer.