Oconee Residents Voice Priorities to State Legislators

State Senate President Thomas Alexander thanked the Oconee County who residents braved the frigid temperatures and gathered at Seneca City Hall on Thursday to voice concerns to their state legislators…

Legislators listened to the residents and took notes; however, they did not respond directly. Topics included opposition to state-funded private school vouchers, increased workforce development funding, public health hiring policies, government transparency, and support for public schools, libraries, and infrastructure improvements. Speakers included community leaders, library advocates, and the League of Women Voters, which pushed for election date standardization. One speaker, Rannie Bond of Long Creek, told the politicians that our roads are in desperate need of repair…

State Sen. President Thomas Alexander and State Reps. Bill Whitmire and Adam Duncan praised the discussion’s diverse viewpoints, with Whitmire pledging to review input for potential legislative action.