Oconee State Senator Committed To Teacher Salary Increases In Next Fiscal Year’s Budget

(Seneca, SC)——————–Last Friday, a groundbreaking ceremony was held on the campus of South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation in Seneca to celebrate their Training Center Expansion. 

One of the dignitaries at the groundbreaking ceremony was Oconee State Senator Thomas Alexander, who addressed after the ceremony where education reform in the State Legislature stands right now. The Senator did say that increases in teacher salaries is something the legislature is committed to as well as making sure that other educational priorities are funded in the next fiscal year.

Alexander said that major Senate Education Reform Bill is in the Senate Education Committee and there has been a lot of work on the Bill and various subcommittee meetings, according to Alexander. Alexander also said there have been public hearings around the state to get input from teachers, which the Senator says has been extremely valuable. 

Alexander says that work is moving forward on financial issues within the budget, which includes the 4% across the board teacher pay increase with more work to be done in future years, according to Alexander. Alexander does say that there is $159 million dollars in appropriations for this year, however. 

Alexander said that three tests are being eliminated in this year’s budget, plus, there is $10 million dollars in the budget for School Resource Officers. Alexander does say it will take $60 million dollars to get School Resource Officers in the school statewide. Also included in the budget, according to Alexander, is money for school mental health counselors. 

Alexander said that there is more funding and revenue going into education in any year since 1984. Alexander said the Legislature is commuted to the salary increases for teachers.