Oconee County’s Richard Cottingham is going to bat against careless, un-thinking drivers who fall into the category of what he calls “Left Lane Lucies.” Cottingham says, “Nothing is more frustrating than to be behind a left-lane Lucy who is holding up everybody. It is not only annoying, but it’s a serious safety issue as some drivers dangerously weave around the left lane pokes.” A member of Oconee’s state “C” Fund Committee, Cottingham called attention this week to the South Carolina law “KEEP RIGHT – PASS LEFT – IT’S THE LAW.” State lawmakers are again considering legislation to improve the law which now requires drivers in the right lane except to pass. Here’s further from Cottingham on the problem: “Some of the left-lane pokes just don’t know any better, some are oblivious, some are simply distracted – mainly cell phones, and some are intentionally driving at the speed limit or just below as they think they are self-appointed speed enforcers (with an attitude). Most of these aren’t even aware how discourteous they are and the degree to which they contribute to potential accidents.”
February 21, 2020 Dick Mangrum