OCPL hosting Summer Reading Programs
The community is invited to “Dig into Reading” this summer at the Oconee County Public Library. The summer reading program offers something for everyone to enjoy, says Oconee County Public Library publicity director and Seneca Branch Manager Blair Hinson. “Well summer reading programs are kind of a library staple, but we certainly don’t want people to take them for guaranteed. We have something for everyone from little kids all the way up to adults. We have really enjoyed having an adult summer reading program these last few years.” Registration started on June 3 at all branches, explains Hinson. “Our summer reading is going to kick off on June 3 and it runs through August 3. We have an early literacy program for the babies and pre-schoolers, we have an elementary age program for kindergarten through fifth grade, we have our teen program for sixth grade through 12th grade and then we have our adult reading program for those over 18 years old. This year’s theme is dig into reading.” Hinson tells more about this year’s age appropriate themes. “For the pre-schoolers and children it is dig into reading. The theme for the teens this year is beneath the surface and then the theme for adults is groundbreaking reads. So, we really have some great programs coming up for all the ages.” The summer reading programs at the Oconee County Public Library are free and open to any resident of Oconee County.