OEA announces Oconee Ally Contest

The Oconee Economic Alliance (OEA) has created a new contest involving their digital ambassador program with cash prizes to help spread the economic development news shared from the OEA. Now through Nov. 9, the three allies with the most points will be invited to the OEA’s annual meeting on Nov. 11, and there we will award cash prizes. The first place winner will receive $500, second place $250, and the third-place $100. The OEA will also bestow the overall winner of the contest the title of “OEA Digital Ambassador of the Year.” OEA Marketing and Communications Manager Daja Dial gives details, “If you are not already a #OconeeAlly, then now is the time to sign-up using the following instructions: Visit OconeeAlly.com to complete the sign-up process. Connect your social media accounts. Follow OEA’s social accounts: Facebook: Oconee Economic Alliance, Twitter: InvestOconeeSC, Instagram: @OconeeEconomicAlliance, and LinkedIn: Oconee Economic Alliance. Start sharing, earning points and keep it going as the OEA sends you the messages. As a #OconeeAlly, you are agreeing to be a digital ambassador for the OEA. You are helping spread the economic development story of Oconee County to a much wider audience through your social media platforms. You still control your social media channel(s) as you select when and what to share. In the modern world, we cannot rely on traditional media to get the Oconee County story out to the masses. We need you. We all are connected by various degrees and we want to leverage these connections so that our message gets exposed to a broader audience. Keep in mind that the OEA sends you the message to share and all you have to do is literally hit a button to help spread the good news. You will earn points as you do the following: share message, like posts, recruit friends to participate, add your social networks, follow the OEA’s social pages, and visit our website from time-to-time. Thank you in advance for agreeing to help our economic development approach by choosing to be a #OconeeAlly Digital Ambassador. Now go share, earn, and win!” OEA staff, past and present, and their immediate family are ineligible to win. The OEA is a public-private nonprofit effort to accelerate job creation and capital investment, increase per capita income, diversify the local tax base and generate awareness of Oconee County as a business location. To learn more visit www.InvestOconeeSC.com.