OEA Business Forum this Thursday

The August Business Forum of the Oconee Economic Alliance (OEA) features Dr. Patricia Layton, the director of the Wood Utilization + Design Institute at Clemson University. Dr. Layton will provide an update on this new initiative, as well as new trends within the forest product development arena. Clemson University’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute is a multidisciplinary engine of innovation where foresters, architects, engineers, constructors and building industry stakeholders coalesce to design advancements in wood-based construction materials to compete with steel, concrete and other materials currently used in nonresidential construction. “The Oconee Economic Alliance Business Forum is a monthly opportunity for citizens and business leaders to come together in Oconee County to network, receive timely updates on topics facing the community and discuss ways to work together in making Oconee County a better place,” says OEA executive director Richard Blackwell. The forum begins at 8am on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016 and the public is encouraged to attend the event at Thrift Development located at 180 Bountyland Road in Seneca. The Business Forum is made possible by the generous support of the OEA membership. The forum is free but attendees are encouraged to bring school supplies for the students of Oconee County.