OHC collecting Centennial Photos

As Oconee County celebrates its Sesquicentennial, or 150th birthday, this year, the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC) is putting together a special exhibit and needs the community’s help, explains Assistant Curator and Education Specialist Jennifer Moss. “As a way of commemorating the Sesquicentennial, the OHC is requesting photographs of the Oconee County Centennial celebration that was held in 1968. The OHC is looking for personal photographs of families and centennial events to create a digital exhibit that will be on display at the museum throughout the Sesquicentennial and be featured on social media. We have a strong collection of Centennial artifacts and official photos from the events, but we want to showcase the community during that celebration. The exhibit Centennial Snapshots will run through 2018 to commemorate the year-long Sesquicentennial celebrations. Submit your photo, along with names of the people in the photo to [email protected].” If you have a photo you would like to share, stop by the OHC, Tuesday through Saturday, from 11am to 5pm. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 16.