OHC hosting Crime Walk in Walhalla tonight

Join the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC) staff as they walk the streets of Walhalla telling stories of murders, crimes, and legends tonight, tells OHC Education Specialist Jennifer Moss. “This is going to be a great event. We were fortunate that Friday the 13th ended up in October and I said what better way to celebrate Friday the 13th than with a crime walk. We were intending to do a ghost walk but we don’t have that many ghosts but we have some really intriguing tales of crime around the city and some interesting tales as well. So, we’re going to walk around, we are going to start at the OHC and walk through downtown Walhalla stop at a couple of places and just tell those tales.” Make sure to wear your walking shoes and get ready for an evening that may tingle your spine. The cost is $5 for OHC members and $10 for non-members. Space is limited. The 7pm walk will start and end at OHC, which is located at 123 Brown’s Square Drive in Walhalla.