OHC hosting Fermentation Canning Class this Saturday

This Saturday, Nov. 4, from 2-4pm, the Oconee Heritage Center in downtown Walhalla hosts a Fermentation Canning Class, explains Education Specialist Jennifer Moss. “Before the invention of sterile canning, one of the ways people preserved food was by fermentation. Vegetable fermentation uses some salt to favor preferred bacteria (naturally occurring in the produce), and then those bacteria produce lactic acid, giving an end result somewhat like pickling in vinegar only with live probiotics. We will discuss the history and science of fermentation and make one of the easiest ferments, sauerkraut. You will take home a jar of cabbage and salt which will become sauerkraut over the next month if you leave it in a cool dark place.” The class costs $20 for members and $25 for non-members with all supplies included in the fee. The class is limited to 20 students. It takes place at the OHC, which is located at 123 Brown’s Square Drive in Walhalla.