Old Keowee Contra Dance on Friday

This Friday, Oct. 20, enjoy an Old Keowee Contra Dance benefiting the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC). It takes place at South Cove County Park, 1099 South Cove Road in Seneca. OHC Director Leslie White says this is a fun family event for everyone even those who don’t know how to dance. “There will be a beginner’s introduction class at 6:30pm followed by the dance from 7-10pm. This is Contra, Folk, and Square Dancing in a wood-floored lakeside dance hall. We will have caller Becky Walker with a live fiddle band. The cost is $8 per person and proceeds benefit the OHC. Kids 12 and under are admitted free and there will be free admission to the park as well.” In addition, hot dog plates and drinks will be available for purchase at the dance.