Over 140 Volunteers participate in 2nd Great Oconee Clean Up

Over 140 volunteers helped put the shine back on the Golden Corner this past Saturday, April 21, during the second annual Great Oconee Cleanup. This was a partnership of the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, the Oconee Economic Alliance, the Keep Oconee Beautiful Association, the School District of Oconee County and Oconee County Solid Waste. Emily Hodge, Economic Development Specialist with the Oconee Economic Alliance, was glad to see so many people getting picky about litter. “Saturday for our second annual Great Oconee Clean Up we had a really great turnout, we probably had over 140 people that showed up. The weather was beautiful, a little chilly starting out, but it was great for everybody cleaning up, but it wasn’t quit as warm as last year. We cleaned up a total of 20 miles.” Litter is something that everyone in the community is responsible for, continues Hodge. “It’s great that we picked up all the trash that we picked, but it is also not so great that we had to pick up so much trash. So, we really do want to encourage to if you’ve got something in your car just keep it in your car until you get to where you are going and then throw it away in the trash can. We are also really promoting if anybody wants to adopt a spot or adopt a highway. I know highways can be a little much for smaller groups of people that is why they also have the adopt a spot program. Those are just other ways that you can make an impact on the community by keeping an area clean.” The three and half hour litter pickup was along Highway 11 from the intersection of Highway 123 north to the Pickett Post community.