Parents invited to weigh in on School Calendar
The School District of Oconee County is working on its new calendar that will take effect in 2014-15. The District establishes its calendars a couple of years ahead of time and it is asking teachers and parents their opinions on the three options. Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas discusses the first two options. “We have put this information out for our schools to look at and there are three options just like in the past. The first two options are more the traditional calendars that comply with the start date no earlier than the third Monday in August and of course, they try to accomplish certain things: three days at Thanksgiving, two weeks at Christmas and a week at spring break. So between those two options there were some trade offs.” The third option is a little different and is being referred to as a modified-modified calendar explains Dr. Lucas. “The third option we are looking at would require state approval from the State Board of Education. We are looking at starting earlier, so we finish the first semester before the holidays but the kids get a three-week break and during the first week in January, anybody who was not successful would be required to come in fro some additional assistance. For instance, at the high school and middle school, we do credit recovery or attendance recovery and at the elementary level, we may provide reading and math support. In addition, we may pre-teach some of the second semester skills so they walk in better able to handle it. The idea is to give those kids 185 days or instruction instead of 180, so it is a modified-modified calendar.” Dr. Lucas concludes by saying that all three calendars have the same end date. “All of the calendars have us getting out the first week of June with graduation that first Saturday. The start date and holidays are a little different as a result of us trying to be creative with our time.” Information on the three school calendar choices for the 2014-15 year are available on the School District of Oconee County’s website at