Pendleton Town Council to Discuss Zoning, Village Hills Plan, and Traffic Regulations
The Pendleton Town Council will meet on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at Pendleton Town Hall. Key items on the agenda include approval of minutes from prior meetings, updates from the Police Department, Planning Department, and the Administrator, as well as a strategic plan update. The Council will discuss election filing methods, and consider several resolutions including the adoption of permanent zoning for recently annexed property at 915 Pioneer Road, approval of the Village Hills Small Area Master Plan, and the dissolution of the Leadership Pendleton Board. The Council will also review necessary items for the Village Hills Tax Increment Finance District, consider amendments to traffic regulations, and address the lease of a town-owned property to MedShore Ambulance Service. An executive session will be held to discuss appointments to town boards. The meeting is open to the public.