Pill Take Back Day scheduled in OC
The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office will be participating with the United Way of Oconee County in the “Day of Action”. This day is recognized by the United Way organization worldwide on the 21st of June every year. The free event will be held in the parking lot of the United Way of Oconee County building at 409 East North 1st Street in Seneca on that Friday from 9am until 2pm. It is a day of community service. The United Way of Oconee County will participate in projects involving education, health and income. The Sheriff’s Office will be there providing some literature and materials on crime especially in regards to drug abuse and kids. Deputies will also be participating in a pill take back day in which individuals can bring old prescription pills and prescription liquids to be disposed of properly so they won’t be a threat to the community or end up in the landfill. Pills can also include vitamins as well. During previous pill take back days, deputies received anywhere from 50 to 175 pounds of pills to dispose. Besides the pill take back day, other activities that will be going on will be a blood drive provided by the Blood Connection, a Pilot Puppet show promoting children’s safety, a document shredder, the Seneca Fire Department offering car seat safety checks and the Buddy Firehouse safety tour. The Seneca Police Department will also be participating as well providing traffic control during the event. Also, other businesses and organizations have pledged to participate in the event as well.