Plenty Of Meetings Scheduled This Week Across Oconee County

It will be a busy week for meetings this week across Oconee County. This afternoon at 4 pm at Westminster City Hall, The Finance and Administration Committee of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority will hold a meeting. Among the items on the agenda will be a discussion of the transfer of money from the Sewer Authority to the member cities based on the resolution passed at the last Sewer Authority Board meeting and consideration of a draft resolution presented by Oconee County of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Sewer Authority and Oconee County for the ownership and operation of the Golden Corner Commerce Park and the Sewer South project and making a recommendation to the Sewer Authority Board for the acceptance of the terms and conditions. 

The Prisma Health – Oconee Memorial Hospital Board will meet tonight at 6 pm as well. 

Also, there will be a work session and special called meeting of Seneca City Council tomorrow night at 6 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Among the items on the agenda will be a discussion of the Police Department Vehicle Policy and the proposed changes to the transit route. The board will also go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter regarding the Seneca Police Department. 

Also, the Seneca Improvements Corporation will meet Wednesday morning at 8 am in the Conference Room at Seneca City Hall which will be immediately followed by a meeting of the Seneca Facilities Corporation.