Prepare Now for Active Pest Season this Spring

Warmer temperatures and extra daylight provide the perfect setting for spring cleaning to begin.  As homeowners are making their to-do lists, a little pest proofing can go a long way to help avoid an infestation of unwanted guests.  Take a room-by-room approach to spring cleaning and pest proofing to prevent pest problems that could occur now or later in the year.  Often providing a source of food and water to pests, it’s no surprise that the kitchen is one of the most popular places for pests to hide.  Keep an eye out for ants and cockroaches, which are the most common pests found in the kitchen.  Store all food in airtight plastic or glass containers, immediately wipe spills and empty the trash frequently. While kitchens and bathrooms are the most likely areas to harbor pests, common living spaces are not off limits.  Pets can bring in fleas and ticks and mice can settle behind floorboards and under furniture.   Keep living areas crumb free by removing snacks and vacuuming floors and under furniture regularly.  Also, keep the family pets groomed and their flea and tick prevention current.