Prepare Now for Winter Weather

It may not feel like it outside but winter is almost here and Oconee County Emergency Services Deputy Chief of Special Operations Scott Krein wants residents to prepare now for winter weather. “It’s nice and warm right now but now is the time to check out those generators, check out those heaters. So, when they do have to be turned on, they’re ready to go and its not during a cold snap or that we turn it on and we haven’t had it checked. So, as always, we need to prepare for the future and that includes being ready for if the power does go out or just when it does get cold. Being prepared, having that extra fuel for your heaters or generators.” Chief Krein encourages creating a plan. “We always encourage everyone to have 72 hours worth of food and water available for their family. A very bad ice storm could come in at any time and we could have lots of power outages, limited road conditions and possibly being in your home for a little while. So, we want people to prepare and our goal is 72 hours of food in the home.” The first official day of winter is Dec. 21.