Prevent the spread of Mosquito Diseases

This is the peak of mosquito season, says the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). The state is home to at least 61 different species of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes in our state might carry West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis or other viruses. The newest potential threat is the Zika virus, a typically mild virus for the general population, but one that can cause birth defects in infants when contracted by pregnant women. As of Aug. 1, 2016, South Carolina has had 26 travel-associated cases of Zika virus with 25 of those cases in travelers infected abroad and diagnosed after they returned home. Although mosquitoes in South Carolina do not carry the Zika virus at this time, there is a chance that some species could one day transmit the virus locally, so preparation is vital. You can help protect the state against these mosquito-borne diseases by ridding your property and home of mosquito-breeding grounds and protecting your family against bites. Frequently emptying or removing containers that hold standing or stagnant water from your property is one of the most effective ways to reduce the presence of mosquitoes and prevent the spread of disease. In addition, clear out weeds, leaves, dirt and other debris from pipes, repair leaky pipes and outdoor faucets, and clean out rain gutters and downspouts regularly. In addition to eliminating breeding sites, protect yourself from mosquito bites. When you go outside, apply an EPA-recommended mosquito repellent to your skin or wear protective clothing.