Public Meeting concerning Proposed Intersection Improvements in AC

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has scheduled a public information meeting on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018 concerning proposed improvements of two intersections in Anderson County: SC 187 at Whitehall Road approximately six miles west of downtown Anderson; West Market Street at Monroe Street and Southwood Street 0.75 miles west of downtown Anderson. The purpose of these projects is to improve safety and traffic operations through the intersections. The meeting will be from 5-7pm at Westside High School in the Commons Area, 806 Pearman Dairy Road, Anderson. The meeting will be held in an open house format. The public is welcome to drop-in at their convenience to view project displays and information and to discuss the projects with SCDOT staff members. Written comments will be collected during the meeting. The project team will consider the written comments and other meeting input while preparing project designs. A brief presentation will be given at 6pm. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information to and solicit feedback from area residents concerning the two intersection improvement projects. Engineering and environmental personnel from SCDOT and its consultant will be available to discuss the project with interested citizens on an individual basis. Maps and drawings of the proposed improvements will be available and attendees may ask questions and provide comments regarding the possible social, economic, and environmental effects of the projects. Another purpose of the meeting is gather information from the public about cultural and historic resources in the area. One day after the meeting, related maps, displays, comment forms and other data will be available for public review on the websites: SC 187 and West Market Street