Rain, Rain Go Away

Are you sick and tired of the rain?  Well, you are not alone.  Several Upstate residents are voicing their frustrations about the wet summer we are experiencing this year.  Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander encourages everyone to take advantage of the sunshine when it comes. “It has been an unusual summer that is for sure.  If you get a few minutes of sunshine you had better take advantage of it.  It has made it extremely hard on lots of different people and businesses with all the rain that has come this year.  When you look at Lake Hartwell and you see it at full pond, I do not know if I have ever seen it like it is right now.  In some sense I am glad that we got all this rain because it did get the lakes back up, but it has definitely changed the way people do things this summer.” According to the National Weather Service, the Oconee County Airport recorded .15 inches of rain on Wednesday and another .28 inches of rain on Tuesday.   So far this week, Oconee County has recorded .89 inches of rain.  As of Thursday, Oconee County has received 11.83 inches of rain in July.