Rep. Sandifer hearing complaints about Obamacare

This week, the Obama Administration says it will release the first official number of how many people enrolled under health reform.  Obamacare has garnered criticism since it launched earlier this year.  Even though, Obamacare is a federal issue, State Representative Bill Sandifer is still receiving several complaints from his constituency.  “I not only receive letters, calls, emails, but if I stop to have a cup of coffee, where ever I am, I am stopped by people who are disgusted with Obamacare.  One of the things that they are concerned about is the fact that they believe they were lied to and I believe that as well.  When the President stood in front of the people of this country and said, ‘If you’ve got insurance and you like it, you can keep it.’  We know that now millions of people have been taken off those insurance policies.” Rep. Sandifer feels the government shut down protesting Obamacare was a mistake. “I think the thing that went wrong earlier this year was the shut down of government.  I don’t believe that was a very good way to do business, I don’t agree with it, but I think we should have let Obamacare go ahead and show its true colors because it is failing and it is failing miserably.” To learn more about Rep. Sandifer and his political views, visit his website at