Revisions made to School Choice in SDOC

Some minor revisions have been made to the school choice policy and application in the School District of Oconee County, explains Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “March 1, we will open up the school choice application process. We just had to tweak a few things. We do most of the process online now and there was some language on the form that was really not necessary or accurate. We also wanted to add a bit of information on there about their current school. So, we have cleaned up the policy. We’ve also made a change as far as when the deadline ends. The deadline for school choice will now be June 30. We are going to hold that as a hard deadline. We’ve had problems in the summer time where folks come in July and early August and they want to do school choice maybe after they get their child’s roster or that kind of thing. So, we are making sure that we try to clean that up and we get that taken care of, so we will have a hard deadline of June 30 for school choice. We want folks to get the word out. It will run from March 1, through again June 30. We plan to announce it numerous times and schools will send home information to the parents. Remember, you have to apply for school choice every year, it is not a roll over thing. You have to qualify whether you are a good academic record, good attendance record and a good discipline record, but also have to take the time to do the paperwork and apply each year as well. So, that should be ready to go March 1.” To learn more about school choice in the SDOC, visit