Safe Kids Upstate warning about Liquid Laundry Packets

Young children are explorers, and as they develop, they often learn by touch and by putting things into their mouths. With that in mind, Safe Kids Upstate is warning parents about liquid laundry detergent packets, explains Daby Snipes, special project coordinator with Safe Kids Upstate. “They look like candy, certain brands are purple and red and they even have the smell of a grape, so a child has no idea of what that is and what little ones do is explore through touch and putting things in their mouth. They dissolve quickly into your hand so if you can imagine a child putting that into their mouth it is already starting the process of injury in their mouth. So, they need to be in a locked cabinet or up high where they can’t reach it but they are very dangerous and I don’t see them going away so it is something we have to teach our children not to touch.” In addition, keep liquid laundry packets in their original container and keep the container closed. If a child gets into them, call the Poison Helpline immediately at 1-800-222-1222.