SC AG joins President to salute Heroes who protect Borders

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson was invited to the White House Monday to help salute the heroes of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection. “The men and women of ICE and CBP risk their lives every day to protect all of us and they deserve our support and admiration,” Attorney General Wilson said. President Donald Trump hosted the event to highlight the importance of their work and support their continued efforts. Some Democrats have called to abolish ICE, and 167 Democrats in the House of Representatives recently refused to vote for a resolution to support border officers. “To the courageous public servants of ICE, men and women, we want you to know that the American people are with you and my administration has your back 100%,” President Trump said. According to a recent POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, only 25% of voters support getting rid of ICE. Abolishing ICE would mean getting rid of the agency responsible for removing drug dealers, gang members, and other criminals who exploit America’s border to take advantage of our communities. Abolishing ICE would mean that countless illegal aliens who pose a threat to public safety would be allowed to roam free; killing, injuring, and threatening Americans, instead of being removed from the country. ICE was created in 2003 to better protect America after 9/11 terrorists exploited immigration rules to get into the United States. “It was an honor to be invited by the president to take part in today’s ceremony and participate in a panel discussion with other law enforcement officials,” Attorney General Wilson said.