SCDOT Plans More Paving Projects for Year 4 of its 10-Year Plan to Rebuild SC’s Roads

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has announced plans for an additional $562 million in road pavement and resurfacing projects for the coming fiscal year 2020-2021. The Transportation Commission approved the plan on June 18 as SCDOT is completing year three of its 10-Year Plan on or ahead of schedule in all categories of rebuilding the state’s roads. The $562 million of new paving includes
projects in all of the state’s 46 counties and is in addition to the $1.3 billion of road, bridge and safety project work SCDOT is currently implementing. Paving the state’s roads is the largest of the 10-Year Plan’s four programs, which include rural road safety, replacing or repairing bridges, and Interstate widening. As a part of the 2020-2021 paving plan SCDOT plans to resurface an additional 661 miles of primary roads, farm-to-
market roads, and neighborhood streets.