SCDOT recognizes National Work Zone Awareness Week

​The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is recognizing National Work Zone Awareness Week in conjunction with state Departments of Transportation all around the nation. National Work Zone Awareness Week began April 9. The recognition is held at this time each year to bring attention to motorists and highway workers who are both at risk in work zones when safety is not practiced. SCDOT has launched a year-long work zone safety campaign called “Let’em Work, Let ’em Live”. The agency is urging all motorists to use extra caution in work zones as the construction season gets underway. Secretary of Transportation Christy Hall noted that motorists will see an increasing number of work zones in South Carolina. “We are well underway with putting the new tax payer funds to work by ramping up our paving, bridge and widening work all across the state. Drivers will see more and more traffic cones and road workers out busy repairing our roadways and safety has to be the highest priority to protect everyone,” said Hall. Hall also noted the Highway Worker Safety Act became law in 2017 to provide more protection for workers by sharply increasing fines and other penalties for drivers who violate work zone safety laws. National Work Zone Awareness Week is observed between April 9-13. SCDOT will continue its Work Zone Safety campaign throughout the year.