SDOC allowing After School Activities today

After school activities will go on this afternoon in the School District of Oconee County, tells Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “Well, we’ve been in this morning and monitoring the weather and of course, it didn’t turn out like a lot had predicted where there was ice and such, so we’re thankful for that. We know that some people are not pleased with the decision, but we try to air again on the side of caution and safety for our students and staff and when you looked at the forecast it was very iffy. We are going to reach out to the principals and athletic directors and tell them if they want to do basketball practice and those things this afternoon, it looks like we will just get a cold rain, so that will be fine. This day will be made up on June 1, on your calendar, which is the third of our three built-in make up days. Now what happens is, if we have to miss any other days because of weather issues then the next three days, which would be days four, five and six missed, the school board would make a decision about those when and or if they had to made up. So, we’ll keep our figures crossed that we won’t have to make any more decisions like this and that the weather will cooperate and we’ll go from there but if we get to that point we’ll make the best decision we can for the safety of our students and our staff.” To see a complete calendar for the SDOC, visit